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To be eligible to take the Oral Certification Examination, physicians must first pass the Qualifying (written) Examination, and hold a valid, unrestricted, and unqualified medical license.

Physicians that pass the Qualifying Exam are scheduled to take the Oral Certification Exam in the next calendar year. Physicians must accept their exam assignment by registering and paying the exam fee. Late fees are applied after the registration deadline. If a physician does not register by the final deadline, they cannot take the exam on their assigned date.

ABEM expects Emergency Medicine physicians to use information technology (like personal computers, the Internet, and e-mail). These tools help support patient care decisions, support patient education, manage medical information, maintain certification, and support continuing medical education.

For a full list of what ABEM expects its physicians to know and be able to do, review the EM Model and the KSAs. ABEM has a set of content specifications (the blueprint) that serve as a general overview of exam material.

Candidates who do not pass the Oral Exam have delayed a step in the certification process. Additional requirements must be met before they can register for the exam again.