Types of Cases and Samples

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Two Structured Interviews

Structured interviews are designed to assess the candidate's thought processes. It is more like a discussion as to your approach of working up a patient in the emergency department. The examiner will ask you scripted questions to assess why you take certain actions, how you develop a differential and final diagnosis, and how you transition the care of the patient. For example, the examiner might ask "Doctor, you said that you would order a CT of the abdomen. What specifically would you be looking for on CT?"

Five Single-patient Cases

Fifteen minutes are allotted for each of five, single-patient cases. Stimuli and all case information will be delivered by the examiner sharing the screen. Introductory information may include such materials as an admitting form, a transfer sheet, EMS report, or X-rays.

One of these cases could serve as a field test. You will not be told which case is being researched for effectiveness of its assessment; you should treat each case as if it will be scored.