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MyToxCert — A new way to stay certified!

Feb 06, 2024

MyToxCert has launched!

MedTox continuing certification will be moving to MyToxCert — a module-based process similar to Emergency Medicine’s MyEMCert. The process will be shifting from a high-stakes exam administered in a testing center to modules that physicians can take from home. The switch to MyToxCert will emphasize relevant content, save physicians time, and better accommodate their busy schedules.

Core elements of MyToxCert include: 

✔ Topic-specific modules that incorporate relevant subjects in EMS

✔ Open-book modules that can be completed anywhere, anytime

✔ Immediate feedback pass/fail results, correct answers, and rationales

✔ Content  that keeps you informed about Knowledge Advancements in the specialty


Learn more about MyToxCert

Module Content

Knowledge Advancements

Video Getting Started Guide

Study Points for Modules


How Does This Affect MedTox-Certified Physicians?

Physicians will now be able to use MyToxCert to maintain MedTox subspecialty certification. During the transition to MyToxCert, physicians may have different options on how to fulfill their requirements. To view and complete requirements, log in to your ABEM Portal.

Note: ABEM requires all physicians to comply with the ABEM Policy on Medical Licensure and agree to ABEM's Code of Professionalism

EMS and tox req flow chart



5-Year Certification and Annual Fee

Like EM, MedTox will also move to a five-year certification cycle and annual fee. Rather than having to pay individually for modules and certification activities, physicians will pay an annual fee, which spreads payments evenly over the certification cycle rather than larger point-in-time payments for requirements.

Physicians can pay the annual fee for all 5 years of certification in one lump sum during the first year of their 5-year certification or make annual payments. The fee can be paid at any time during the year. However, the fee must be paid in order to access continuing certification activities.

annual fee
5-Year Certification and Annual Fee Frequently Asked Questions.



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